8 types of throat cancer & its pain areas

8 types of throat cancer & its pain areas

Throat cancer is a serious condition that affects many individuals worldwide. Understanding the  different types of throat cancer and their associated pain areas can help patients and their loved  ones better manage the disease. Sunrise oncology’s throat cancer treatment center, specializes in  diagnosing and treating all forms of throat cancer. In this blog, we will … Read more

New treatments to cure breast cancer

breast cancer specialists in Mumbai

Breast cancer, one of the most common cancers among women, has seen significant advancements  in its treatment over recent years. At the forefront of these developments, the best breast cancer  hospitals in Mumbai like sunrise oncology center offer cutting-edge therapies, guided by highly  experienced breast cancer specialists in Mumbai. In this article, we explore new … Read more

What are the risk factors for stomach cancer?

stomach cancer symptoms

Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, is a serious health condition that affects  thousands of individuals each year. While stomach cancer symptoms often go unnoticed in  the early stages, understanding the risk factors is essential for both prevention and early  diagnosis. Identifying the factors that increase the likelihood of developing stomach cancer  can empower … Read more

What is the Root Cause of Stomach Cancer?

stomach cancer symptoms

Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, is a condition that occurs when malignant cells  form in the stomach’s inner lining. Though it accounts for a significant portion of global cancer  cases, understanding its root causes can help in early diagnosis and effective management. If  you or someone you know is concerned about stomach cancer … Read more

How long does treatment for stomach cancer take?

best treatment for stomach cancer

When diagnosed with stomach cancer, one of the primary concerns patients and their families  face is understanding the duration of the treatment process. Stomach cancer, also known as  gastric cancer, varies in its progression from patient to patient, making each treatment plan  unique. However, gaining insight into the general timeline and treatment process can help  … Read more

What is the most successful treatment for stomach cancer?

stomach cancer symptoms

Successful treatment for stomach cancer Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, is one of the more common types of cancer  globally. It primarily affects the cells lining the stomach and can often spread to other areas  of the body. Treatment options for stomach cancer vary depending on the stage of the cancer,  overall health, … Read more

What is the new pill for lung cancer: Tarlatamab (Imdelltra)?

best lung cancer treatment 1

Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide, and the needfor innovative treatments has never been greater. Among the recent breakthroughs in lungcancer treatment is a promising new pill called Tarlatamab, branded as Imdelltra. This drugrepresents a novel approach to targeting and treating lung cancer, particularly in cases thathave been resistant … Read more

Foods to Limit or Avoid for Lung Cancer Patients

best lung cancer treatment

Nutrition plays a critical role in the overall well-being of cancer patients. While the right dietcan support the body’s ability to fight cancer and cope with treatments, certain foods mayhinder recovery or aggravate symptoms. Lung cancer patients, especially those undergoingtreatment, need to be extra cautious about their food choices. In this blog, we’ll discuss thefoods … Read more

What is the Best Solution for Lung Cancer?

lung cancer treatment in Mumbai

Lung cancer remains one of the most challenging health issues globally, but withadvancements in medical science, effective treatments are now available. If you or a lovedone has been diagnosed with lung cancer, you’re likely seeking answers to what the best lungcancer treatment is. Treatment options vary based on the type and stage of cancer, but … Read more

What is the Best Exercise for Lung Cancer?

lung cancer treatment in Mumbai

Lung cancer is a challenging diagnosis, both physically and emotionally. Patients undergoing treatment may experience fatigue, breathlessness, and a general decline in physical strength. However, research has shown that exercise can play a crucial role in improving the quality of life for individuals with lung cancer. Exercise not only helps manage treatment side effects but … Read more